This is a one page guide from start to finish on how to create your first libgdx game for android/iOS/html5/desktop.
I am however going to skip downloading java, SDK, and libgdx, as I’m assuming you already possess those if you are reading this. If you do not infact do, there are many various tutorials online that could explain it much better than I.
Step 1:
Design your game! Now this sounds like an obvious one, but many times it is easy to get carried away with a game idea without thought placed into the mechanics of the game. However, and possibly lucky for you, that is already completed for you in this tutorial. Here is how game planning takes place, for at least me:
- Idea: Static background with character on 1D plane that can slide left and right to dodge icicles that fall from the cave ceiling.
- Graphics: minimal style
- Objective: to survive as long as possible without getting hit.
- Challenges: collision detection on triangular icicles. Spawn rate of icicles (should be constantly random? Or increase over time?)
Step 2:
Creating basic graphics. At this stage we want to create basic graphics for our game so we can help visualize our code as we are creating our masterpiece. However, we wish to keep this rudimentary as we might not have the perfect graphical ideas ready just yet, as those usually spark into life as we play and develop our game more in-depth.
For creating graphics, it is best to get using something else besides Microsoft paint. While it can physically make any object by pixel editing, it does lack the key aspect of an “alpha” value. This is necessary as it is the transparency of they object, which is key if we wish to display graphics without a white border of empty pixels around them. For this, i recommend as a very simple free editor that is easy to pick up.
Creating cave background:
We are starting with the background of the cave with the dimensions of 800px tall by 480px wide as this will be the entire size of screen. The key parts needed are the ground for the character to run on and the top section of the cave for the icicles to spawn on. Thus, my rendition is shown below (Note: I have pasted in all of the pictures as full size images, so that you can simply save them to your computer to use in the game):
Creating icicle:
Here we are creating the icicle, one again by sticking to just the basics we want to just create the shape that will need collision detection, instead of focusing on the appearance. We are going to create three different icicle forms as to break up the monotony that only one type might create.
Type A:
Type B:
Type C:
Creating Guy:
This may be the hardest graphic decision you have to make, as with that, the motivation and inspiration will come over time. So to start simply, here is the guy we will use:
Step 3:
Start creating the program! Open up your libGDX Project Generator and fill out the necessary package details. Also, if you run into issues with the destination folder, simply create a blank folder where you wish for the project to end up, and set the destination to that. (note: you do not need to use the same package name or game name as I have in this tutorial):
Now simply import the project into your preferred IDE, android studio for I, and we are ready to start programming.
Step 4:
(Note: Full Java class codes are at the end of Step 8) Start by entering the Core directory and finding your file, this is where the programing will start. Below is the new code we will enter into our first java file, the code is commented for clarity.
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import com.badlogic.gdx.Game; import; import;
public class MyGdxGame extends Game {
//Define a public Spritebatch which we will use to render text onto the screen public SpriteBatch gameBatch;
//Define a public font that we will use for all text. public BitmapFont gameFont;
//Public void create() is ran when the program is started. @Override public void create () { //Creates the SpriteBatch for gameBatch to use gameBatch = new SpriteBatch();
//Creates the font, which is the default font for LIBgdx. gameFont = new BitmapFont();
//this will set the screen to our next class "GameScreen" this.setScreen(new GameScreen(this)); } //Called upon render @Override public void render () { //Calls our render() method in our GameScreen super.render(); }
//Called when class is disposed public void dispose() { //disposes both SpriteBatch and BitmapFont gameBatch.dispose(); gameFont.dispose(); } }
The GameScreen(this) will be in error, and that is okay! We have not created the GameScreen yet. The GameScreen will be its own java file and will act as the screen the currently runs our game. But why do we have to create another java file? You don’t have to, and you could do it all in this file, but this system works great for when you wish to have multiple screens in games.. such as a game screen.. settings screen… menu screen… etc..
Thus we now create class in the same folder as our class. The class below is outfited to the nearly bare minimum requirements for a functioning screen. It utilizes the functions of creating a camera, drawing to a screen, and handling screen and button inputs. The class is shown below:
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import com.badlogic.gdx.Gdx; import com.badlogic.gdx.Input; import com.badlogic.gdx.InputProcessor; import com.badlogic.gdx.Screen; import; import;
public class GameScreen implements Screen,InputProcessor { //Creates a reference to hold our "passed" game. private MyGdxGame game;
//Defining the camera to be used private OrthographicCamera camera;
public GameScreen(MyGdxGame game) { //assigns the game we passed to the placeholder = game; //creates the camera camera = new OrthographicCamera(); //Sets the screen to be 800 width by 480 height camera.setToOrtho(false, 480, 800); //very important, lets us use the Input methods! Gdx.input.setInputProcessor(this); } @Override public void render(float deltaTime){ //Sets the color to be applied after clearing the screen (R,G,B,A),0,255,1); //Clears the screen; //updates camera view camera.update(); //makes the camera fit onto the available screen game.gameBatch.setProjectionMatrix(camera.combined); //Starts gameBatch for drawing game.gameBatch.begin(); //All drawing needs to be done here //Ends the gameBatch after drawing game.gameBatch.end(); }
//This method gets called when a key is pressed down public boolean keyDown (int keycode) { //switches case for keycode variable switch (keycode) { //if left key is pressed case Input.Keys.LEFT: break; case Input.Keys.RIGHT: break; case Input.Keys.UP: break; case Input.Keys.DOWN: break; default: } return false; }
//happens upon lifting finger off of key public boolean keyUp (int keycode) { //switches key code of lifted key switch (keycode) { //called upon left key lifted case Input.Keys.LEFT: break; case Input.Keys.RIGHT: break; case Input.Keys.UP: break; case Input.Keys.DOWN: break; default: } return false; }
public boolean touchDown(int screenX, int screenY, int pointer, int button) { return false; }
public boolean keyTyped (char character) { return false; }
public boolean touchUp (int x, int y, int pointer, int button) { return false; }
public boolean touchDragged (int x, int y, int pointer) { return false; }
public boolean mouseMoved (int x, int y) { return false; }
public boolean scrolled (int amount) { return false; }
@Override public void resize(int width, int height){
@Override public void show(){
@Override public void hide(){
@Override public void pause(){
@Override public void resume(){
@Override public void dispose(){
So this is the skeleton that we will create our game from. It is time to start developing towards our game, and to do that, lets start with drawing our background onto the screen. First, lets place our assets into the game so we can access them, to do this, simply drag your .png graphic files (needs to be .png!) to the assets folder under the android directory. For example on my p.c, my graphics assets are located at (C:UsersGodDocumentsLIBgdxIcicleMayhemandroidassets).
Thus, to get started, define the following new variable at the top of the GameScreen class:
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//Texture for the cave background private Texture caveBackground = new Texture("cavebackground.png");
Then place the following code in the render() function in the GameScreen section:
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//Starts gameBatch for drawing game.gameBatch.begin(); //All drawing needs to be done here //Draws the Cave Background starting at x = 0, y = 0 game.gameBatch.draw(caveBackground,0,0); //Ends the gameBatch after drawing game.gameBatch.end();
Then you may test your app either by running in desktop mode (I have a tutorial as well as many others on how to set it up) or deploying to your phone. The result should be a game that displays are cave background:
Note: if running it straight to your android phone, the default screen layout is landscape. You will need to change it to portrait by editing the androidmanifest.xml file and change the layout attribute:
Step 5:
Creating the character!
First we are going to create another java class so that we may make our character an object in java. To do this, create another class in the same directory named and place the following code into it. It is commented for what each portion of the code is doing.
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public class Character { //stores x loc (start at 240) int x = 240; //stores y loc (start at 167) int y = 167; //texture for our character public Texture texture = new Texture("guy.png"); //speed for our character in pixels/s int speed = 300; //defining constants for direction static final int LEFT = -1; static final int RIGHT = 1; static final int STANDING = 0; int direction = 0;
//initialization code public Character(){}
//updates character's position public void update(float deltaTime){ //stores the value of the last x int lastx = this.x; //change in distance = direction * speed * time this.x += direction*speed*deltaTime; //if the new location of the character is off the screen to the left if(this.x < 0){ //put the character back to last location this.x = lastx; } //if the new location of the character is off the screen to the right if(this.x > 480 - texture.getWidth()){ //put the character back to last location this.x = lastx; } }
//changes the character direction to right public void goRight(){ direction = RIGHT; }
//changes character direction to left public void goLeft(){ direction = LEFT; }
//changes character direction to standing public void setStanding(){ direction = STANDING; } }
Now that we have an object for our character, we need to make the object in our game screen. We can create our object by defining him as such:
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//Creates a Reference for our character private Character character = new Character();
Now we must also update him within the game, allowing him to move across time. We then place a call for him to update within the Render block in the GameScreen.Java class but before we draw him. Thus, at the end of the render function in the GameScreen class, it should look similar to this:
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//updates the character character.update(deltaTime); //Starts gameBatch for drawing game.gameBatch.begin(); //All drawing needs to be done here //Draws the Cave Background starting at x = 0, y = 0 game.gameBatch.draw(caveBackground,0,0); //Draws the character at correct location game.gameBatch.draw(character.texture,character.x,character.y); //Ends the gameBatch after drawing game.gameBatch.end();
Now, we also need a way to process either key presses from a key board or screen touches from fingers. For screen presses, we call a function in the render block to check for the current location of the finger and to determine the direction the character should go, the function call in the render block and the function are as follows including the additional coding needed for key presses:
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@Override public void render(float deltaTime){ //Sets the color to be applied after clearing the screen (R,G,B,A),0,255,1); //Clears the screen; //updates camera view camera.update(); //makes the camera fit onto the available screen game.gameBatch.setProjectionMatrix(camera.combined); //checks if teh screen is pressed checkScreenPress(); //updates the character character.update(deltaTime); //Starts gameBatch for drawing game.gameBatch.begin(); //All drawing needs to be done here //Draws the Cave Background starting at x = 0, y = 0 game.gameBatch.draw(caveBackground,0,0); //Draws the character at correct location game.gameBatch.draw(character.texture,character.x,character.y); //Ends the gameBatch after drawing game.gameBatch.end(); }
//checks if the screen is pressed public void checkScreenPress(){ //if screen is pressed if(Gdx.input.isTouched()) { //gets the location of the press, and determines which half of the screen was pressed if ((float) Gdx.input.getX() / <= .5) { //if left half of screen, go left character.goLeft(); } else { //if not on the left half of screen, it must be going right character.goRight(); } } }
//called when the person lifts their finger off of the screen public boolean touchUp (int x, int y, int pointer, int button) { //set character to standing character.setStanding(); return false; }
//This method gets called when a key is pressed down public boolean keyDown (int keycode) { //switches case for keycode variable switch (keycode) { //if left key is pressed case Input.Keys.LEFT: //sets character going left character.goLeft(); break; case Input.Keys.RIGHT: //sets character going right character.goRight(); break; default: } return false; }
//happens upon lifting finger off of key public boolean keyUp (int keycode) { //sets character standing upon lifting off of key character.setStanding(); return false; }
Now upon testing your application, you can move the character on a 1D plane, with boundaries at the walls.
Step 6:
It is now starting to take shape, now we are going to add icicles that spawn from the ceiling and drop at intervals. The first step is to create an class so that we may create an icicle object. We do that by the following:
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public class Icicle { //variables for x location, y location, and speed of dropping public int x; public int y; public int speed;
//codes for the three different icicle types static final int typeA = 0; static final int typeB = 1; static final int typeC = 2; public int code;
//placeholder for icicle texture public Texture texture;
//initiation code public Icicle(int x, int y, int speed, int code){ //setting variables this.x = x; this.y = y; this.speed = speed; this.code = code;
//sets texture to icicle depending on code switch(code){ case typeA: this.texture = new Texture("icicleA.png"); break; case typeB: this.texture = new Texture("icicleB.png"); break; case typeC: this.texture = new Texture("icicleC.png"); break; }
//changes the y value so that irregardless of texture height, it will always start on the //the top of the ice cave ceiling. this.y -= this.texture.getHeight(); }
//updates icicle's y position as it falls with time; public void update(float deltaTime){ this.y -= speed*deltaTime; } }
Next we are going to create an IcicleManager.Java class that will manage the spawn rates of our objects.
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public class IcicleManager { //stores the refresh rates set for the icicles public int aRefreshRate; public int bRefreshRate; public int cRefreshRate;
//keeps a timer for each icicle type public float aTimer = 0; public float bTimer = 0; public float cTimer = 0;
//initializes icicle manager with our set refresh rates. public IcicleManager(int aRefreshRate, int bRefreshRate, int cRefreshRate){ this.aRefreshRate = aRefreshRate; this.bRefreshRate = bRefreshRate; this.cRefreshRate = cRefreshRate; }
//receives the array of icicles and updates and returns the array public Array<Icicle> update(Array<Icicle> array, float deltaTime){ //add the time passed to our timers aTimer += deltaTime; bTimer += deltaTime; cTimer += deltaTime;
//if timer value is greater than refresh rate if(aTimer >= aRefreshRate){ //create a new icicle at a random x Loc, 670 height, 300 speed, and a typeA icicle array.add(new Icicle(MathUtils.random(0,460),670,300,Icicle.typeA)); //reset Timer aTimer = 0; } //if timer value is greater than refresh rate if(bTimer >= bRefreshRate){ //create a new icicle at a random x Loc, 670 height, 300 speed, and a typeB icicle array.add(new Icicle(MathUtils.random(0,460),670,300,Icicle.typeB)); //reset Timer bTimer = 0; } //if timer value is greater than refresh rate if(cTimer >= cRefreshRate){ //create a new icicle at a random x Loc, 670 height, 300 speed, and a typeB icicle array.add(new Icicle(MathUtils.random(0,460),670,300,Icicle.typeC)); //reset Timer cTimer = 0; } return array; } }
Working our way back to the implementing these classes into the game, we are going to define two more variables in our GameScreen class:
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//Creates our icicle Manager with a description of how long to delay each icicle type public IcicleManager icicleManager = new IcicleManager(2,5,10);
//creates an array to hold all of our icicles; public Array<Icicle> icicleArray = new Array<Icicle>();
Now we are going to have to add two additions to the render block of our game, one to update our icicles and one to facilitate the drawing of our icicles. The additions and new function are shown below:
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@Override public void render(float deltaTime){ //Sets the color to be applied after clearing the screen (R,G,B,A),0,255,1); //Clears the screen; //updates camera view camera.update(); //makes the camera fit onto the available screen game.gameBatch.setProjectionMatrix(camera.combined); //checks if the screen is pressed checkScreenPress(); //updates the character character.update(deltaTime); //updates Icicle Manager icicleManager.update(icicleArray,deltaTime); //Starts gameBatch for drawing game.gameBatch.begin(); //All drawing needs to be done here //Draws the Cave Background starting at x = 0, y = 0 game.gameBatch.draw(caveBackground,0,0); //Draws the Icicles drawIcicles(deltaTime); //Draws the character at correct location game.gameBatch.draw(character.texture,character.x,character.y); //Ends the gameBatch after drawing game.gameBatch.end(); }
//draws our icicles public void drawIcicles(float deltaTime){ //creates an iterator which will analyze each icicile Iterator<Icicle> iterIcicle = icicleArray.iterator();
//while there are more icicles to process... while(iterIcicle.hasNext()) { //move to next icicle and set a reference to our icicle Icicle icicle =; //update our icicle icicle.update(deltaTime); //if icicle is below y = 0, remove icicle from the array if(icicle.y < 0){ iterIcicle.remove(); }else{ //else, draw the icicle on the screen. game.gameBatch.draw(icicle.texture,icicle.x,icicle.y); } } }
Now we are able to test our game and are able to spawn icicles that fall from the ceiling and disappear when off screen:
Step 7:
Dying! Woohoo! ha, but we do need to have an objective to this game, so we are going to need to create an object collision detection piece to facilitate losing in the game. Luckily for us, some of that work is done by utilizing libgdx’s rectangle class. With this rectangle class, we can make a rectangle in space, and be able to tell if that rectangle overlaps any other rectangle. However, we have a triangular shaped icicle that would not work well for collision detection if we were to stick a rectangle around it. Thus, we will create a series of 5 rectangles, you can do more if you wish, to encompasses the icicle. Example shown below:

As one can see, especially if familiar with calculus, as we increase the number of rectangles we can get higher precision, but for sake of not needing perfection, I think 5 is sufficient. We then also need to worry about creating a rectangle around our character. To keep it simply, and how our character is almost a square, we will just make him a rectangle. Thus, we will need to add this function in our Character.Java class so that we can retrieve the character’s rectangle on demand:
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//returns a rectangle shape of the object public Rectangle getRectangle(){ Rectangle rectangle; //creates a rectangle using the characters location and dimensions rectangle = new Rectangle(x,y,texture.getWidth(),texture.getHeight()); return rectangle; }
So then to test if the rectangles of our icicle overlap that of our character, we will make our collision checker function, placed in our GameScreen.Java class is as follows:
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public void checkCollision(){ //creates an iterator which will analyze each icicile Iterator<Icicle> iterIcicle = icicleArray.iterator();
//while there are more icicles to process... while(iterIcicle.hasNext()) { //move to next icicle and set a reference to our icicle Icicle icicle =; //creates 5 rectangles for the icicle for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++){ float yPos = icicle.y+icicle.texture.getHeight()-((float)i/5)*icicle.texture.getHeight(); float yThickness = (float)(1/5)*icicle.texture.getHeight(); float xPos = icicle.x+icicle.texture.getWidth()/2-(((float)(5-i)/(float)5)*icicle.texture.getWidth())/2; float xThickness = (((float)(5-i)/(float)5)*icicle.texture.getWidth()); //creates a new rectangle with our dimensions Rectangle rectangle = new Rectangle(xPos,yPos,xThickness,yThickness); //if our created rectangle overlaps our character if(rectangle.overlaps(character.getRectangle())){ gameOver = true; } } } }
Now to facilitate the game ending, we wish for a Game Over screen to appear and the player will simply need to tap to restart it. Thus I simply just created a gameOver.png file that is 480*800 to overlay on top of the screen:
Now, upon the game becoming over we wish to display this screen, remove the icicles, and stop the player. Then we would like for the player to only need to press down on the screen to restart it, however, the moment the player dies, the finger will still be on the screen (due to reaction times and what not) and that will cause our game to restart. Thus, I will be adding another variable called “fingerUp” that will become true once the player lifts his finger off of the screen, then allowing the game to restart upon being pressed. All of the codes are shown below:
Two new variables in GameScreen Class:
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//game over booleans public boolean gameOver = false; public boolean fingerUp = false;
Changing the Render Section in GameScreen Class:
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@Override public void render(float deltaTime){ //Sets the color to be applied after clearing the screen (R,G,B,A),0,255,1); //Clears the screen; //updates camera view camera.update(); //makes the camera fit onto the available screen game.gameBatch.setProjectionMatrix(camera.combined); //checks if the screen is pressed checkScreenPress(); //if game is not over if(!gameOver) { //updates the character character.update(deltaTime); //updates Icicle Manager icicleManager.update(icicleArray,deltaTime); } //Starts gameBatch for drawing game.gameBatch.begin(); //All drawing needs to be done here //Draws the Cave Background starting at x = 0, y = 0 game.gameBatch.draw(caveBackground,0,0); if(!gameOver) { //Draws the Icicles drawIcicles(deltaTime); //checks for collisions of icicles checkCollision(); }else{ game.gameBatch.draw(gameOverTexture,0,0); } //Draws the character at correct location game.gameBatch.draw(character.texture,character.x,character.y); //Ends the gameBatch after drawing game.gameBatch.end(); }
Changing the touchUp function in GameScreen:
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//called when the person lifts their finger off of the screen public boolean touchUp (int x, int y, int pointer, int button) { //set character to standing character.setStanding(); //if game over and lifts finger, fingerUp = true if(gameOver){ fingerUp = true; } return false; }
And finally changing the checkScreenPress function in GameScreen:
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//checks if the screen is pressed public void checkScreenPress(){ //if screen is pressed if(Gdx.input.isTouched()) { //gets the location of the press, and determines which half of the screen was pressed if ((float) Gdx.input.getX() / <= .5) { //if left half of screen, go left character.goLeft(); } else { //if not on the left half of screen, it must be going right character.goRight(); } //if screen is taped after game is over and finger is lifted off screen if(gameOver && fingerUp){ //resets char x position character.x = 240; //clears icicles by creating new array icicleArray = new Array<Icicle>(); //resets vars gameOver = false; fingerUp = false; } } }
Now your game has an ending and restarting capabilities.
Step 8:
The last necessary step in our game, keeping score and high score. We are going to do a simply method of simply +1 point for every icicle dodged, and we will keep track of the high score by writing it to an external file. First we will need to define three new variables in our game screen class:
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//creates a reference to a local file FileHandle file = Gdx.files.local("myfile.txt"); //stores our highscore public int highScore; //our score public int score = 0;
Then in our initialization code in GameScreen, we want to create a function that loads our high score before the game starts. So add a function call in the initialization code and create the following function:
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public GameScreen(MyGdxGame game) { //assigns the game we passed to the placeholder = game; //creates the camera camera = new OrthographicCamera(); //Sets the screen to be 800 width by 480 height camera.setToOrtho(false, 480, 800); //very important, lets us use the Input methods! Gdx.input.setInputProcessor(this); //loads highscores loadHighScores(); }
//function that loads the high scores public void loadHighScores(){ //if the files exists go into loop, if it does not exist, it creates a new one. if(file.exists()) { try { //reads the first line of the file and reads it as an integer highScore = Integer.parseInt(file.readString()); } catch (NumberFormatException e){ //if there was no high score found, set it to 0 highScore = 0; } } }
Next, we want to be able to add to the score upon removing an icicle, change this section in drawIcicles to account for adding score:
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if(icicle.y < 0){ iterIcicle.remove(); score++; }else{ //else, draw the icicle on the screen. game.gameBatch.draw(icicle.texture,icicle.x,icicle.y); }
Now we need to add a code for writing out the new high score, we will place this in the checkScreenPress section as we have a code that is executed upon game over:
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//checks if the screen is pressed public void checkScreenPress(){ //if screen is pressed if(Gdx.input.isTouched()) { //gets the location of the press, and determines which half of the screen was pressed if ((float) Gdx.input.getX() / <= .5) { //if left half of screen, go left character.goLeft(); } else { //if not on the left half of screen, it must be going right character.goRight(); } //if screen is taped after game is over and finger is lifted off screen if(gameOver && fingerUp){ //resets char x position character.x = 240; //clears icicles by creating new array icicleArray = new Array<Icicle>(); //resets vars gameOver = false; fingerUp = false; //if score was higher than the high score if(score > highScore){ //write value of score to our file file.writeString(String.valueOf(score),false); //set our in-game high score to our new score highScore = score; } //resets score score = 0; } } }
Finally, we want the player to be able to see the score while he is playing, for this, we will simply just draw then onto the top of the screen using libgdx’s default text printer as such in the render section:
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//draws the score and high score game.gameFont.draw(game.gameBatch,"Score: " + score + " High Score: " + highScore,0,800);
Then upon running, you hopefully will be able to keep score!
And you are complete! That is it! You have a complete game with an objective, an enemy, a restarting ability, and a score keeping function. You have created you first game! However there are two additional steps that are completely optional to continue on that I will include, but for completeness, I will now post the entire java files here:
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public class Character { //stores x loc (start at 240) int x = 240; //stores y loc (start at 167) int y = 167; //texture for our character public Texture texture = new Texture("guy.png"); //speed for our character in pixels/s int speed = 300;
//defining constants for direction static final int LEFT = -1; static final int RIGHT = 1; static final int STANDING = 0; int direction = 0;
//initialization code public Character(){}
//updates character's position public void update(float deltaTime){ //stores the value of the last x int lastx = this.x; //change in distance = direction * speed * time this.x += direction*speed*deltaTime; //if the new location of the character is off the screen to the left if(this.x < 0){ //put the character back to last location this.x = lastx; } //if the new location of the character is off the screen to the right if(this.x > 480 - texture.getWidth()){ //put the character back to last location this.x = lastx; } }
//changes the character direction to right public void goRight(){ direction = RIGHT; }
//changes character direction to left public void goLeft(){ direction = LEFT; }
//changes character direction to standing public void setStanding(){ direction = STANDING; }
//returns a rectangle shape of the object public Rectangle getRectangle(){ Rectangle rectangle; //creates a rectangle using the characters location and dimensions rectangle = new Rectangle(x,y,texture.getWidth(),texture.getHeight()); return rectangle; } }
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public class GameScreen implements Screen,InputProcessor {
//Creates a reference to hold our "passed" game. private MyGdxGame game;
//Defining the camera to be used private OrthographicCamera camera;
//Texture for the cave background private Texture caveBackground = new Texture("cavebackground.png");
//Texture for the game over private Texture gameOverTexture = new Texture("gameOver.png");
//Creates a Reference for our character private Character character = new Character();
//Creates our icicle Manager with a description of how long to delay each icicle type public IcicleManager icicleManager = new IcicleManager(2,5,10);
//creates an array to hold all of our icicles; public Array<Icicle> icicleArray = new Array<Icicle>();
//game over booleans public boolean gameOver = false; public boolean fingerUp = false;
//creates a reference to a local file FileHandle file = Gdx.files.local("myfile.txt"); //stores our highscore public int highScore; //our score public int score = 0;
public GameScreen(MyGdxGame game) { //assigns the game we passed to the placeholder = game; //creates the camera camera = new OrthographicCamera(); //Sets the screen to be 800 width by 480 height camera.setToOrtho(false, 480, 800); //very important, lets us use the Input methods! Gdx.input.setInputProcessor(this); //loads highscores loadHighScores(); } @Override public void render(float deltaTime){ //Sets the color to be applied after clearing the screen (R,G,B,A),0,255,1); //Clears the screen; //updates camera view camera.update(); //makes the camera fit onto the available screen game.gameBatch.setProjectionMatrix(camera.combined); //checks if the screen is pressed checkScreenPress(); //if game is not over if(!gameOver) { //updates the character character.update(deltaTime); //updates Icicle Manager icicleManager.update(icicleArray,deltaTime); } //Starts gameBatch for drawing game.gameBatch.begin(); //All drawing needs to be done here //Draws the Cave Background starting at x = 0, y = 0 game.gameBatch.draw(caveBackground,0,0); if(!gameOver) { //Draws the Icicles drawIcicles(deltaTime); //checks for collisions of icicles checkCollision(); }else{ game.gameBatch.draw(gameOverTexture,0,0); } //Draws the character at correct location game.gameBatch.draw(character.texture,character.x,character.y); //draws the score and high score game.gameFont.draw(game.gameBatch,"Score: " + score + " High Score: " + highScore,0,800); //Ends the gameBatch after drawing game.gameBatch.end(); }
//draws our icicles public void drawIcicles(float deltaTime){ //creates an iterator which will analyze each icicile Iterator<Icicle> iterIcicle = icicleArray.iterator();
//while there are more icicles to process... while(iterIcicle.hasNext()) { //move to next icicle and set a reference to our icicle Icicle icicle =; //update our icicle icicle.update(deltaTime); //if icicle is below y = 0, remove icicle from the array if(icicle.y < 0){ iterIcicle.remove(); score++; }else{ //else, draw the icicle on the screen. game.gameBatch.draw(icicle.texture,icicle.x,icicle.y); }
} }
public void checkCollision(){ //creates an iterator which will analyze each icicile Iterator<Icicle> iterIcicle = icicleArray.iterator();
//while there are more icicles to process... while(iterIcicle.hasNext()) { //move to next icicle and set a reference to our icicle Icicle icicle =; //creates 5 rectangles for the icicle for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++){ float yPos = icicle.y+icicle.texture.getHeight()-((float)i/5)*icicle.texture.getHeight(); float yThickness = (float)(1/5)*icicle.texture.getHeight(); float xPos = icicle.x+icicle.texture.getWidth()/2-(((float)(5-i)/(float)5)*icicle.texture.getWidth())/2; float xThickness = (((float)(5-i)/(float)5)*icicle.texture.getWidth()); //creates a new rectangle with our dimensions Rectangle rectangle = new Rectangle(xPos,yPos,xThickness,yThickness); //if our created rectangle overlaps our character if(rectangle.overlaps(character.getRectangle())){ gameOver = true; } } } }
//This method gets called when a key is pressed down public boolean keyDown (int keycode) { //switches case for keycode variable switch (keycode) { //if left key is pressed case Input.Keys.LEFT: //sets character going left character.goLeft(); break; case Input.Keys.RIGHT: //sets character going right character.goRight(); break; default: } return false; }
//happens upon lifting finger off of key public boolean keyUp (int keycode) { //sets character standing upon lifting off of key character.setStanding(); return false; }
//checks if the screen is pressed public void checkScreenPress(){ //if screen is pressed if(Gdx.input.isTouched()) { //gets the location of the press, and determines which half of the screen was pressed if ((float) Gdx.input.getX() / <= .5) { //if left half of screen, go left character.goLeft(); } else { //if not on the left half of screen, it must be going right character.goRight(); } //if screen is taped after game is over and finger is lifted off screen if(gameOver && fingerUp){ //resets char x position character.x = 240; //clears icicles by creating new array icicleArray = new Array<Icicle>(); //resets vars gameOver = false; fingerUp = false; //if score was higher than the high score if(score > highScore){ //write value of score to our file file.writeString(String.valueOf(score),false); //set our in-game high score to our new score highScore = score; } //resets score score = 0; } } }
//called when the person lifts their finger off of the screen public boolean touchUp (int x, int y, int pointer, int button) { //set character to standing character.setStanding(); //if game over and lifts finger, fingerUp = true if(gameOver){ fingerUp = true; } return false; }
//function that loads the high scores public void loadHighScores(){ //if the files exists go into loop, if it does not exist, it creates a new one. if(file.exists()) { try { //reads the first line of the file and reads it as an integer highScore = Integer.parseInt(file.readString()); } catch (NumberFormatException e){ //if there was no high score found, set it to 0 highScore = 0; } } }
public boolean touchDown(int screenX, int screenY, int pointer, int button) { return false; }
public boolean keyTyped (char character) { return false; }
public boolean touchDragged (int x, int y, int pointer) { return false; }
public boolean mouseMoved (int x, int y) { return false; }
public boolean scrolled (int amount) { return false; }
@Override public void resize(int width, int height){
@Override public void show(){
@Override public void hide(){
@Override public void pause(){
@Override public void resume(){
@Override public void dispose(){
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public class Icicle { //variables for x location, y location, and speed of dropping public int x; public int y; public int speed;
//codes for the three different icicle types static final int typeA = 0; static final int typeB = 1; static final int typeC = 2; public int code;
//placeholder for icicle texture public Texture texture;
//initiation code public Icicle(int x, int y, int speed, int code){ //setting variables this.x = x; this.y = y; this.speed = speed; this.code = code;
//sets texture to icicle depending on code switch(code){ case typeA: this.texture = new Texture("icicleA.png"); break; case typeB: this.texture = new Texture("icicleB.png"); break; case typeC: this.texture = new Texture("icicleC.png"); break; }
//changes the y value so that irregardless of texture height, it will always start on the //the top of the ice cave ceiling. this.y -= this.texture.getHeight(); }
//updates icicle's y position as it falls with time; public void update(float deltaTime){ this.y -= speed*deltaTime; }
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public class IcicleManager { //stores the refresh rates set for the icicles public int aRefreshRate; public int bRefreshRate; public int cRefreshRate;
//keeps a timer for each icicle type public float aTimer = 0; public float bTimer = 0; public float cTimer = 0;
//initializes icicle manager with our set refresh rates. public IcicleManager(int aRefreshRate, int bRefreshRate, int cRefreshRate){ this.aRefreshRate = aRefreshRate; this.bRefreshRate = bRefreshRate; this.cRefreshRate = cRefreshRate; }
//receives the array of icicles and updates and returns the array public Array<Icicle> update(Array<Icicle> array, float deltaTime){ //add the time passed to our timers aTimer += deltaTime; bTimer += deltaTime; cTimer += deltaTime;
//if timer value is greater than refresh rate if(aTimer >= aRefreshRate){ //create a new icicle at a random x Loc, 670 height, 300 speed, and a typeA icicle array.add(new Icicle(MathUtils.random(0,460),670,300,Icicle.typeA)); //reset Timer aTimer = 0; } //if timer value is greater than refresh rate if(bTimer >= bRefreshRate){ //create a new icicle at a random x Loc, 670 height, 300 speed, and a typeB icicle array.add(new Icicle(MathUtils.random(0,460),670,300,Icicle.typeB)); //reset Timer bTimer = 0; } //if timer value is greater than refresh rate if(cTimer >= cRefreshRate){ //create a new icicle at a random x Loc, 670 height, 300 speed, and a typeB icicle array.add(new Icicle(MathUtils.random(0,460),670,300,Icicle.typeC)); //reset Timer cTimer = 0; } return array; } }
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public class MyGdxGame extends Game {
//Define a public Spritebatch which we will use to render text onto the screen public SpriteBatch gameBatch;
//Define a public font that we will use for all text. public BitmapFont gameFont;
//Public void create() is ran when the program is started. @Override public void create () { //Creates the SpriteBatch for gameBatch to use gameBatch = new SpriteBatch();
//Creates the font, which is the default font for LIBgdx. gameFont = new BitmapFont();
//this will set the screen to our next class "GameScreen" this.setScreen(new GameScreen(this)); }
//Called upon render @Override public void render () { //Calls our render() method in our GameScreen super.render(); }
//Called when class is disposed public void dispose() { //disposes both SpriteBatch and BitmapFont gameBatch.dispose(); gameFont.dispose(); } }
(Optional) Step 9:
Creating better graphics! I will create better graphics for this game as to show how much of a difference it can make, but I want you to let your imiganation take hold of this one! You could even change everything such as the icicles are missiles instead and you are a tank trying to dodge them, the ideas are endless! Just a heads up, I am not by any means an artist, I only spent about 25 minutes on changing the graphics, and here is the end result first, so you may see if it is worth your time to copy the images.
If you do enjoy the newer images, here they all are, simply just overwrite the existing ones:
And with that simply upgrade, the game, atleast to me, looks a lot better! I am sure many of you have a fantastic imagination and most likely better artist skills than I, so let your ideas fly.
(Optional) Step 10:
In this step, I am going to show you how to add AdMob into an libgdx game for android if that is something you wish. We will be adding a simple banner add to the bottom of the screen that will display at all times. First you will need to add the google ads library into your project. To do this, go to project structure -> android -> dependencies -> green plus on left side -> add library depedency -> -> apply -> ok. It will then do a gradle sync.
Then in your manifest, you will need to add permisions, a meta-data, and an applicaiton, my manifest is shown below:
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <manifest xmlns:android="" package="" android:versionCode="1" android:versionName="1.0" > <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET"/> <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE"/> <uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion="9" android:targetSdkVersion="21" />
<application android:allowBackup="true" android:icon="@drawable/ic_launcher" android:label="@string/app_name" android:theme="@style/GdxTheme" > <meta-data android:name="" android:value="@integer/google_play_services_version" /> <activity android:name="" android:label="@string/app_name" android:screenOrientation="portrait" android:configChanges="keyboard|keyboardHidden|orientation|screenSize"> <intent-filter> <action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN" /> <category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" /> </intent-filter> </activity> <activity android:name="" android:configChanges="keyboard|keyboardHidden|orientation|screenLayout|uiMode|screenSize|smallestScreenSize" android:theme="@android:style/Theme.Translucent" /> </application>
Then you are going to need to edit under the android directory. I will not explain what each step does to just save some time, but if you simply change your to the following, and you have made it so far, it will most likely make some sense to you. One hint, we are simply creating two views on the screen, one for the ad, and on for the game, and placcing them together onto the screen:
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@Override protected void onCreate (Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); AndroidApplicationConfiguration config = new AndroidApplicationConfiguration(); //initialize(new MyGdxGame(), config);
//ADMOB STUFF/// requestWindowFeature(Window.FEATURE_NO_TITLE); getWindow().setFlags(WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_FULLSCREEN, WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_FULLSCREEN); getWindow().clearFlags(WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_FORCE_NOT_FULLSCREEN);
AdView adView = new AdView(this); adView.setAdSize(AdSize.BANNER); adView.setAdUnitId("Add Your Ad UNIT ID Here"); AdRequest.Builder adRequestBuilder = new AdRequest.Builder(); adRequestBuilder.addTestDevice(AdRequest.DEVICE_ID_EMULATOR); adView.loadAd(;
RelativeLayout layout = new RelativeLayout(this); View gameView = initializeForView(new MyGdxGame(), config);
RelativeLayout.LayoutParams adParams = new RelativeLayout.LayoutParams(RelativeLayout.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, RelativeLayout.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT); adParams.addRule(RelativeLayout.ALIGN_PARENT_BOTTOM);
layout.addView(gameView); layout.addView(adView, adParams); setContentView(layout); //END ADMOB STUFF// }
If you have futher issues with the admob addition, please let me know by leaving a comment, i’ll be happy to help.
Final Step:
Your game is complete, you can upload it to the marketplace! We did leave out one step of changing the launch icon for your app, but it is rather simple to look up how to do, the launch icon is located in the androidmanifest.xml file. Now it is time to publish and immediatly start having a flush of new ideas you wish to have for the game. As I was placing the final touches, some ideas have came into my head such as adding walking animation and making the icicles fall more realisticly, heck, I might even create a part 2 to this, just so we can start doing complicated things. Anyways, let me know if you have any questions! Happy to help.